That Good Fairy Energy

I have spent the last few months on the struggle bus. But lucky for me, I had a chocolate fairy.

One day, I was having a tough day at work, and returned to my office to find a chocolate bar on my desk with no explanation. I am basically a chocolate monster, so it definitely brightened my mood. I ate some right away.

Then, every few weeks, just as I thought I was about to explode, another chocolate would arrive mysteriously on my desk. Each time, I would text my husband and say, “The chocolate fairy is at it again. How did she know I needed this today?”

Now, my pool of colleagues was pretty small, and I had a pretty good idea of who it was, but I didn’t want to ruin the mystery. I just allowed myself to be utterly delighted each time something showed up. It was like someone was seeing what was actually going on with me, and leaving me a treat on the exact day I needed it. I felt so seen and cared for.

After about 5 of 6 times, I started to get uncomfortable. I really wanted to tell the chocolate fairy thank you. I mentioned it to one of my colleagues and she said, “Maybe the chocolate fairy likes being anonymous.” So I let it go for one more time, and then I couldn't stand it any more. I asked the person who I thought it was, and she confirmed she was my fairy. I thanked her and explained how much it meant when those treats appeared.

Lucky for me, she didn’t stop. And it did not decrease my enjoyment of it in the slightest when something still showed up occasionally.

So I am resolving to take this good fairy energy to pass along to as many people as I can. It won’t always be chocolate - it might be a note, other candy, fresh flowers, or whatever I think my fairy target will appreciate - but I want to start dropping in these little moments of connection and delight.

I highly suggest you think about becoming a good fairy yourself. It doesn’t take much to let someone know you care.


Pattern: Small Mod Rectangles Quilt


Nobody Wants Your Crap